Membership to AMOPlus

Membership in AMO+ is through sponsorship by a member in good standing. Although the cars bring us together, it's the people in the club who are the reason we stick together. There's a great mix of people - some who have known each other for over 30 years and others who have just joined but have formed fast friendships with the group! The picture above was taken at the Cleveland AMO Nationals in July 2015 of the members who made the trip.

There are many activities planned throughout the year (e.g., race day in September, participation with Northern Ramblers at their Rambler-Rama in June, AMO International Convention yearly, local car shows such as Lindsay and Orillia, etc.). Members attend whenever they can, knowing a great time will be had no matter how many members are there. If you are interested in joining AMO+ but don't know anyone, don't worry. Come out to a few events, meet the members and see if our club fits with your expectations.

If you'd like more details, please contact Jodee Scott who is our Treasurer and Membership Chairman. Her email address is:

We're not about being the biggest AMC club, just the best!