Welcome Harper Gwen Freelen
By Gary and Sonia Freelen
Hello all,
We have a new judge who can be a diver for the undercarriage category! If she screams, I guess we have an issue with the quality of the car?? We’ll have to refine the scoring based on a decibel level......
Here she is! Beautiful Harper Gwen Freelen! She arrived at about 8:30 last night a bit ahead of schedule, and we are so proud to welcome her to our family. I know she will probably rule the roost as soon as she gets home, so watch out, brother Chase. Carly did a fantastic job at project managing, and delivery of this 6lb 6oz bundle of joy. Matt was there all the way to the end, and cut the cord.
Shopping has already started and will continue once the malls are open. The Canadian economy will thrive – and maybe a few Buffalo stores! I really think that the shopping that Carly was doing on Sunday, lured Harper out of her ‘womb’ to see what all the excitement was about.
Sonia and I couldn’t be happier to share this news with all of you. We can hardly wait to meet her later today.