Although I am writing this post on January 2nd, 2018, it by no means minimizes the fun had at this year's Christmas Party/70th birthday celebration for Roberta Sommerville! Ken and Roberta opened their home to, I think, 22 of us! No small feat but thanks to everyone for contributing towards the feast (and to Ken and Roberta for providing the turkey especially). As usual, there was lots of catching up - especially with a couple of "long lost" members! Henry has been so busy lately that he's been unable to get out (really hard when he's sent to the States for his work).

Dave and Donna Nalepa were able to combine their trip to visit family in Kingston and Toronto with a side trip to the party! He brought gifts for everyone - his family recipe of Christmas cake! He had started putting this together in September so it was well "seasoned" by November!
We all visited with each other and basically ate our faces off before we began our Secret Santa tradition. The fun lasted for almost an hour as each person either took from under the tree or stole gifts that looked promising! One such box was of particular interest and if I were to count, it was probably stolen at least a dozen times! Finally, we had come to the end and one by one we opened our gifts. It's always incredible to see what people have come up with!

We ended the evening by wishing Roberta a very happy birthday with many more to come! Spoiler alert - Ken will be 70 in June!!
I would like to wish everyone a very (belated) Merry Christmas and here's hoping your New Year is full of good health, happiness and many opportunities to get out in your AMCs!