AMO Plus Spring Meeting – April 13, 2013
By Jodee Scott
Our spring meeting was held at the home of Ken and Irene Perrier in Hampton this year. It was well attended despite the rainy weather. The major part of the meeting was the discussion of upcoming events that the club is hoping to attend – either en masse, individually or in groups. Dates and relevant information will be posted on the calendar and included in the minutes. We enjoyed a great feast after the meeting and celebrated Sandy Davis’ birthday with a cake and candle (see picture!). A big thanks to Ken and Irene for hosting.
AMO Plus Spring Meeting 2013
It’s official, the meeting is on Saturday April 13th. Please RSVP and plan on being in attendance. Thank-you Ken & Irene
Hey there everyone the snow is gone and the groundhog doesn’t matter, so let’s get together and plan some stuff for this year. The meeting will be held at Hampton, Ontario.
The meeting will START at 2:00 pm sharp so plan on arriving between 12:30 and 1:30pm. Thank-you.
Please come prepared with info about any show, cruise or any other social type event that could be of interest to ANYONE in our club. Let’s not forget we need hosts for various activities including our annual AMX-MAS party and a locale for an annual general meeting. Perhaps this year a host can sell us on some different function that we can enjoy. Irene and Ken want to host a fall colors cruise this year with a nice drive, a few interesting stops and at least a couple good photo-op stops too!
After the meeting is concluded we should have compiled a schedule of AMO+ ‘for sure’ events as well as many other ‘give it a try’ and report back to us fun things to do.
When the meeting is over there will be food served so bring an appetite too. Dinner to be served around 4:30- 5:00pm
I am looking forward to a busy 2013 and being able to take the AMX out many times each month; and it’s better with friends that love AMCs coming along too.
Keep on Ramblin’ Ken + Irene