AMO+ 25th Anniversary Photos


The calm before the storm.

Most of the cars on the show field.  

Ken Edwards 'Spirited' arrival.

Here's the happy group!

Marty and the Mojos put on quite a show!  Randy Weales was the 'keeper of the rhythm' behind the drum kit.

Our hosts, Barb and Harm, can sure dance the night away!

Ray and Donna Carter's Rebel Machine

Terry Rowland's Rogue in progress.  It will 'Rumble' again!

Barb and Harm's SC360 is still hanging around.  It was nice for all to see and appreciate.

Mark Legon's Gremlin drag car was in full Gremlin detail.  Look at those eyes!

Irene and Ken Perrier's car, complete with show sign, and AMO+ flag.

Jake Legon's Spirit

Barb van der Veen's American convertible

Harm van der Veen's AMX, with a recent accessory on the grill, from this year's AMO National event.  Congratulations!

Angelo Fedele's Javelin AMX

The auction table.  Everyone had a great time during this part of the day.  SOLD!  Thank you to all who brought an item or two.

Thanks to Hendrik van der Veen for preparing some great food and to all who brought their treats.  We all ate very well!  Thanks Lexi for your artistic flair on our cake!

Free Gator rides to all the kiddies!

Special thanks to 'Tarp-man' for providing us with protection from all the elements.  The sky is always blue with his cape!

Special thanks to Jayne van der Veen for taking most of these pictures above.  Here are some more from the Lens of Jayne.